DevOps Job Ready 6 Months Course [Online Only]

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Q and A Sessions.

  • 01- Q&A 01st April
  • 02 – Q&A 08April

Linux For DevOps
Linux is a popular operating system used in DevOps because of its flexibility, scalability, and reliability. Here are some key Linux contents that are important for DevOps: Command Line Interface (CLI): The CLI is an essential tool for DevOps. Linux CLI provides a powerful interface for executing commands and scripts, and allows developers to automate tasks and manage system resources. Shell Scripting: Shell scripting is a powerful way to automate tasks and workflows in Linux. It is an important tool for DevOps, allowing developers to create custom scripts for managing servers, deployments, and other processes. Package Management: Linux provides package management tools such as APT, YUM, and DNF that are used to install, update, and remove software packages. DevOps teams use these tools to manage dependencies and ensure that the system is up to date. Virtualization: Linux supports virtualization through tools such as KVM, Xen, and VirtualBox. These tools are used by DevOps teams to create virtual machines and containers, allowing them to easily manage and deploy applications. Networking: Networking is an essential component of DevOps. Linux provides powerful networking tools such as IPTables, SSH, and Netcat, which are used to manage network traffic, secure connections, and troubleshoot network issues. Monitoring: Monitoring is critical in DevOps. Linux provides a range of monitoring tools such as Nagios, Zabbix, and Munin, which are used to track system performance, diagnose problems, and ensure high availability. Configuration Management: Configuration management is a key aspect of DevOps. Linux supports popular configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet, and Chef, which are used to automate configuration tasks and ensure consistency across systems.

Bash Scripting

Agile Scrum For DevOps
Agile Manifesto: The Agile Manifesto is a set of values and principles for Agile development that emphasize customer satisfaction, working software, and collaboration between team members. DevOps teams should be familiar with the Agile Manifesto to understand the key principles of Agile development. Scrum Framework: Scrum is a framework within the Agile methodology that defines roles, events, and artifacts for managing software development projects. DevOps teams should be familiar with Scrum to understand how Agile development is implemented in practice. Scrum Roles: Scrum defines three roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. The Product Owner is responsible for defining the product vision and priorities, the Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process, and the Development Team is responsible for delivering working software. Scrum Events: Scrum defines four events: Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, and Sprint Review. These events provide a structured framework for planning, executing, and reviewing software development work. Scrum Artifacts: Scrum defines three artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. These artifacts provide a way to manage the product vision, plan work, and track progress. Agile Scrum Tools: Agile Scrum tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana can help DevOps teams manage Agile development projects by providing a way to track tasks, plan work, and collaborate with team members. Continuous Integration and Delivery: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are key practices in DevOps that align well with Agile Scrum. CI involves automatically building and testing code changes, while CD involves automatically deploying changes to production.

Git and GitHub

Azure Cloud

GitLab CI CD
GitLab CI/CD is a popular tool for DevOps teams to automate their software delivery pipelines. Here are some key GitLab CI/CD contents that are important for DevOps: GitLab CI/CD Pipeline: A pipeline is a sequence of stages that defines the build, test, and deployment process for a software project. In GitLab CI/CD, pipelines are defined using YAML configuration files. GitLab Runner: A GitLab Runner is a lightweight agent that runs pipeline jobs. GitLab Runners can be installed on different operating systems and can be used to run jobs on different platforms. Jobs and Stages: A pipeline consists of one or more stages, and each stage consists of one or more jobs. Jobs are individual units of work that can be run in parallel, and stages define the order in which jobs are run. GitLab CI/CD Variables: Variables are used to define values that are used across multiple jobs in a pipeline. Variables can be defined at the pipeline, stage, or job level. GitLab CI/CD Artifacts: Artifacts are files generated by jobs in a pipeline that can be passed between stages or downloaded for analysis. Artifacts can be used to share build outputs or generate reports. GitLab CI/CD Triggers: Triggers can be used to initiate pipelines from external systems or repositories. This allows DevOps teams to trigger pipelines from other tools in their toolchain. GitLab CI/CD Environments: Environments can be used to define different deployment environments, such as staging or production. This allows DevOps teams to test and deploy changes to different environments before releasing them to production.

Terraform To Build Infrastructure
Terraform is a popular tool used by DevOps teams to manage infrastructure as code. Here are some key Terraform contents that are important for DevOps: Infrastructure as Code: Terraform enables infrastructure to be defined and managed as code. This allows DevOps teams to version control infrastructure, collaborate on changes, and automate deployments. Terraform Configuration: Terraform configuration files are written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and define the infrastructure resources to be created or managed. These resources can include servers, databases, load balancers, and more. Terraform Providers: Providers are used by Terraform to interact with different infrastructure providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure. Each provider has its own set of resource types and configuration options. Terraform State: Terraform state is a record of the resources that have been created or managed by Terraform. This state file is used to track changes to infrastructure over time, and allows Terraform to manage resources in a consistent and predictable way. Terraform Modules: Modules are reusable components that can be used to define and manage infrastructure resources. Modules can be shared across teams or projects, and can be used to standardize infrastructure across an organization. Terraform Variables: Variables can be used to parameterize Terraform configurations and make them more flexible. Variables can be used to define values that are used across multiple resources or modules. Terraform Workspaces: Workspaces allow DevOps teams to manage multiple versions of the same infrastructure. This allows teams to manage different environments, such as development, staging, and production, with a single set of Terraform configurations.

Ansible For DevOps
Ansible is an open-source automation tool used in DevOps to manage configuration, deployment, and orchestration of IT infrastructure. Here are some key Ansible contents that are important for DevOps: Ansible Playbooks: Ansible Playbooks are written in YAML and are used to define a set of tasks that Ansible will execute on remote hosts. Playbooks can be used for configuration management, application deployment, and infrastructure orchestration. Ansible Modules: Ansible Modules are pre-built scripts that are executed by Ansible on remote hosts. Modules can be used to manage packages, files, users, and services on remote hosts. Ansible Inventory: The Ansible Inventory is a list of hosts and their associated variables that Ansible will manage. The Inventory can be defined in a file or in a dynamic inventory script. Ansible Roles: Ansible Roles are collections of tasks, handlers, templates, and variables that are organized in a predefined directory structure. Roles can be reused across multiple playbooks, making it easier to manage complex infrastructure. Ansible Vault: Ansible Vault is a tool used to encrypt sensitive data, such as passwords and private keys, used in Ansible playbooks. The encrypted data can be stored in the playbook and decrypted at runtime. Ansible Tower: Ansible Tower is a web-based user interface and API used to manage and monitor Ansible playbooks and infrastructure. Ansible Tower provides role-based access control, job scheduling, and graphical inventory management. Ansible Galaxy: Ansible Galaxy is a repository of pre-built Ansible Roles and Playbooks. Ansible Galaxy makes it easy for DevOps teams to find and use community-developed Ansible content.

Docker and Kubernetes For DevOps
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform used in DevOps to manage containerized applications. Here are some key Kubernetes contents that are important for DevOps: Kubernetes Objects: Kubernetes Objects are the building blocks used to define a Kubernetes application. Objects include Pods, Services, Deployments, and ConfigMaps. Kubernetes Pods: Kubernetes Pods are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes. A Pod is a logical host that runs one or more containers. Kubernetes Services: Kubernetes Services provide network access to a set of Pods. Services can be used to load balance traffic and provide a stable IP address for a set of Pods. Kubernetes Deployments: Kubernetes Deployments manage the lifecycle of Pods and ReplicaSets. Deployments can be used to roll out new versions of an application and roll back to previous versions. Kubernetes ConfigMaps: Kubernetes ConfigMaps are used to store configuration data, such as environment variables and configuration files, used by an application. Kubernetes Volumes: Kubernetes Volumes are used to provide persistent storage for an application. Volumes can be used to store application data and configuration files. Kubernetes Ingress: Kubernetes Ingress provides external access to an application running in a Kubernetes cluster. Ingress can be used to route traffic to different Services and provide SSL termination. K8s Section 1: Container Fundamentals K8s-Chapter 1: Understanding and Using Containers K8s-Chapter 2: Managing Container Images K8s-Chapter 3: Understanding Kubernetes Understanding Kubernetes Core Functions Understanding Kubernetes Origins Understanding Kubernetes Management Interfaces Understanding Kubernetes Architecture Exploring Essential API Resources K8s-Chapter 4: Creating Environment Understanding Kubernetes Deployment Options Understanding Minikube Installing Minikube on Ubuntu Verifying Minikube is Working Running Your First Application K8s Section 2: Kubernetes Essentials K8s-Chapter 5: Managing Pod Basic Features Understanding Pods Understanding YAML Generating YAML Files Understanding and Configuring Multi-Container Pods Managing Init Containers Using NameSpaces K8s-Chapter 6: Managing Pod Advanced Features Exploring Pod State with kubectl describe Using Pod Logs for Application Troubleshooting Using Port Forwarding to Access Pods Understanding and Configuring SecurityContext Managing Jobs Managing Cron Jobs Managing Resource Limitations and Quota Cleaning up Resources K8 Section 3: Building and Exposing Scalable Applications K8s-Chapter 7: Managing Deployments Understanding Deployments Managing Deployment Scalability Understanding Deployment Updates Understanding Labels, Selectors, and Annotations Managing Update Strategy Managing Deployment History Understanding Deployment Alternatives Managing StatefulSets Using DaemonSets K8s-Chapter 8: Managing Networking Understanding Pod Networking Understanding Pod-to-Pod Communication Understanding Kubernetes Networking Understanding Services Creating Services Using Service Resources in Microservices Understanding Services and DNS K8s-Chapter 9: Managing Ingress Understanding Ingress Configuring the Minikube Ingress Controller Using Ingress Configuring Ingress Rules Understanding IngressClass Understanding and Configuring Network Policies K8s-Chapter 10: Managing Storage Understanding Kubernetes Storage Options Configuring Volume Storage Configuring PV Storage Configuring PVCs Configuring Pod Storage with PV and PVC Understanding StorageClass K8s-Chapter 11: Managing ConfigMaps and Secrets Providing Variables to Kubernetes Applications Understanding Why Decoupling is Important Providing Variables with ConfigMaps Providing Configuration Files with ConfigMaps Understanding Secrets Understanding How Kubernetes Uses Secrets Configuring Applications to Use Secrets Configuring the Docker Registry Access Secret K8s-Chapter 12: Managing Scheduling Managing Scheduler Settings Managing Scheduler Policies Using nodeSelector Managing Node Affinity Managing Pod Affinity Managing Taints and Tolerations Managing Resource Restrictions K8s-Chapter 13: Managing Security Settings Understanding API Access Understanding Authentication Understanding Authorization Modes Managing Security Contexts Managing Kubernetes User Accounts Managing ServiceAccount K8s Section 4: Advanced Kubernetes K8s-Chapter 14: Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting Determining a Troubleshooting Strategy Analyzing Failing Applications Analyzing Pod Access Problems Monitoring Cluster Event Logs Troubleshooting Authentication Problems Using Probes Monitoring Kubernetes Resources Using kubectl describe and kubectl logs Understanding Pod States Troubleshooting Cluster Resources Monitoring Cluster Resource Logs Troubleshooting Client Issues Troubleshooting Stuck in Termination -------------------------On Top Overview Concepts -------------------------- K8s-Chapter 15: Managing Cluster Nodes Adding a Node to the Cluster Rebooting Cluster Nodes Removing Cluster Nodes Analyzing and Monitoring Node Status Using kubectl drain and cordon Configuring Static Pods Managing the etcd Database K8s-Chapter 16: Deploying Applications the DevOps Way Using the Helm Package Manager Working with Helm Charts Using Kustomize Implementing Blue/Green Deployments Implement Canary Deployments Understanding Custom Resource Definitions Using Operators Using StatefulSets ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do It YouySelf: -------------- Working with NameSpaces Finding Pods Using ConfigMaps Using Sidecars Inspecting Containers Using Probes Creating a Deployment Exposing Applications Using Network Policies Using Storage Using Helm Using Quota Using ServiceAccount

Complete Overview Of Project

Mock Interviews
Can you explain what DevOps means to you and how it fits into software development? How do you manage configuration and infrastructure in your projects? Have you used any automation tools like Ansible or Puppet? Can you walk me through the steps of deploying an application to a cloud platform like AWS or Google Cloud? How do you monitor and maintain the health of your infrastructure and applications? Have you worked with any monitoring tools like Nagios or Prometheus? Can you explain how you ensure the security and compliance of your systems and applications? Have you worked with any security tools like Qualys or Nessus? How do you collaborate with development teams and other stakeholders in your organization? Have you used any collaboration tools like JIRA or Trello? Have you implemented any CI/CD pipelines in your projects? Can you describe the tools and processes you used? Have you worked with containerization technologies like Docker or Kubernetes? Can you explain how you used them in your projects? Can you describe a challenging problem you encountered in your previous work and how you approached solving it? How do you keep up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the DevOps space? Have you used Terraform to deploy infrastructure on Azure? Can you walk me through the process? How do you manage configuration and state files with Terraform in an Azure environment? Have you implemented any best practices for Terraform deployments on Azure? For example, using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates alongside Terraform. How do you ensure the security of your Terraform deployments on Azure? Have you used any security tools like Azure Security Center or Terraform Sentinel? Have you integrated Terraform with any CI/CD pipelines on Azure? Can you describe the tools and processes you used? Can you explain how you manage secrets and sensitive data in Terraform deployments on Azure? Have you used any secrets management tools like HashiCorp Vault or Azure Key Vault? How do you troubleshoot issues with Terraform deployments on Azure? Have you used any logging or monitoring tools like Azure Monitor or Terraform Enterprise? Can you describe a time when you encountered a challenging problem with Terraform deployments on Azure and how you resolved it? Have you worked with any other infrastructure as code tools on Azure, such as Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates or Azure CLI? How do you stay up to date with the latest Azure and Terraform updates and features? How do you use Ansible playbooks to automate tasks in your infrastructure? Can you give an example of how you have used Ansible to manage your cloud infrastructure? Which cloud provider(s) have you worked with? How do you manage secrets and sensitive data in your Ansible playbooks? Have you used any tools like Ansible Vault or HashiCorp Vault? How do you handle errors and exceptions in your Ansible playbooks? How do you ensure the idempotency of your Ansible tasks? How do you use Ansible to manage containerized applications in a Kubernetes cluster? Have you used any Ansible plugins or modules to extend its functionality? Can you give an example of how you used them? How do you test your Ansible playbooks to ensure they are working as expected? Have you contributed to any open-source Ansible projects? Can you describe your contribution? How do you manage container orchestration using Kubernetes? Can you describe how you have set up a Kubernetes cluster? Have you worked with any Kubernetes-related tools such as Helm or Istio? Can you explain how you have used them in your projects? Can you explain how Kubernetes can help with scaling and resilience in your applications? Have you used Kubernetes to manage auto-scaling of your application? How do you manage deployments of new versions of your applications using Kubernetes? Can you describe the process you follow? How do you manage Kubernetes configuration and secrets in your projects? Have you used Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets to manage application configuration? Can you explain how Kubernetes networking works and how you ensure network security in your Kubernetes clusters? Have you used Kubernetes to manage stateful applications? Can you describe how you have set up a stateful application using Kubernetes? Can you describe how you monitor Kubernetes clusters and applications? Have you used any monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana? How do you ensure the security and compliance of your Kubernetes clusters and applications? Have you used Kubernetes security tools like Falco or Aquasec? Have you worked with any Kubernetes cloud providers such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), AKS or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)? Can you explain how you have used them in your projects?

Resume Building
Building a strong DevOps resume requires highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and achievements. Here are some tips for building a strong DevOps resume: Tailor your resume to the job: Read the job description carefully and tailor your resume to match the specific requirements of the position. Use keywords from the job description to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Highlight your technical skills: DevOps requires a strong technical skill set. Highlight your experience with tools such as Ansible, Jenkins, Git, Kubernetes, and AWS. Be specific about your technical expertise and provide examples of projects you have worked on. Show your collaboration skills: DevOps is all about collaboration between different teams. Highlight your ability to work with developers, operations, and other stakeholders. Provide examples of how you have collaborated with other teams to deliver successful projects. Showcase your problem-solving skills: DevOps requires the ability to solve complex problems quickly. Highlight your experience troubleshooting issues, implementing solutions, and improving processes. Include measurable achievements: Use metrics to quantify your achievements. For example, include metrics such as time saved, cost reduction, or increased efficiency. These metrics will help demonstrate your impact on previous projects. Keep it concise and relevant: Your resume should be easy to read and concise. Focus on relevant experience and skills that match the job description. Use bullet points and short sentences to keep the information easy to read. Proofread and edit: Before submitting your resume, proofread it carefully for spelling and grammar errors. Ask a friend or mentor to review it as well to ensure it is polished and error-free.

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