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Docker and Kubernetes Batch 01

Categories: Kubernetes
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K8s Section 1: Container Fundamentals

K8s-Chapter 1: Understanding and Using Containers

K8s-Chapter 2: Managing Container Images


K8s-Chapter 3: Understanding Kubernetes
Understanding Kubernetes Core Functions
Understanding Kubernetes Origins
Understanding Kubernetes Management Interfaces
Understanding Kubernetes Architecture
Exploring Essential API Resources


K8s-Chapter 4: Creating Environment
Understanding Kubernetes Deployment Options
Understanding Minikube
Installing Minikube on Ubuntu
Verifying Minikube is Working
Running Your First Application


K8s Section 2: Kubernetes Essentials
K8s-Chapter 5: Managing Pod Basic Features
Understanding Pods
Understanding YAML
Generating YAML Files
Understanding and Configuring Multi-Container Pods
Managing Init Containers
Using NameSpaces


K8s-Chapter 6: Managing Pod Advanced Features
Exploring Pod State with kubectl describe
Using Pod Logs for Application Troubleshooting
Using Port Forwarding to Access Pods
Understanding and Configuring SecurityContext
Managing Jobs
Managing Cron Jobs
Managing Resource Limitations and Quota
Cleaning up Resources


K8s Section 3: Building and Exposing Scalable Applications
K8s-Chapter 7: Managing Deployments
Understanding Deployments
Managing Deployment Scalability
Understanding Deployment Updates
Understanding Labels, Selectors, and Annotations
Managing Update Strategy
Managing Deployment History
Understanding Deployment Alternatives
Managing StatefulSets
Using DaemonSets


K8s-Chapter 8: Managing Networking
Understanding Pod Networking
Understanding Pod-to-Pod Communication
Understanding Kubernetes Networking
Understanding Services
Creating Services
Using Service Resources in Microservices
Understanding Services and DNS


K8s-Chapter 9: Managing Ingress
Understanding Ingress
Configuring the Minikube Ingress Controller
Using Ingress
Configuring Ingress Rules
Understanding IngressClass
Understanding and Configuring Network Policies


K8s-Chapter 10: Managing Storage
Understanding Kubernetes Storage Options
Configuring Volume Storage
Configuring PV Storage
Configuring PVCs
Configuring Pod Storage with PV and PVC
Understanding StorageClass


K8s-Chapter 11: Managing ConfigMaps and Secrets
Providing Variables to Kubernetes Applications
Understanding Why Decoupling is Important
Providing Variables with ConfigMaps
Providing Configuration Files with ConfigMaps
Understanding Secrets
Understanding How Kubernetes Uses Secrets
Configuring Applications to Use Secrets
Configuring the Docker Registry Access Secret


K8s-Chapter 12: Managing Scheduling
Managing Scheduler Settings
Managing Scheduler Policies
Using nodeSelector
Managing Node Affinity
Managing Pod Affinity
Managing Taints and Tolerations
Managing Resource Restrictions


K8s-Chapter 13: Managing Security Settings
Understanding API Access
Understanding Authentication
Understanding Authorization Modes
Managing Security Contexts
Managing Kubernetes User Accounts
Managing ServiceAccount


K8s Section 4: Advanced Kubernetes
K8s-Chapter 14: Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
Determining a Troubleshooting Strategy
Analyzing Failing Applications
Analyzing Pod Access Problems
Monitoring Cluster Event Logs
Troubleshooting Authentication Problems
Using Probes
Monitoring Kubernetes Resources
Using kubectl describe and kubectl logs
Understanding Pod States
Troubleshooting Cluster Resources
Monitoring Cluster Resource Logs
Troubleshooting Client Issues
Troubleshooting Stuck in Termination


————————-On Top Overview Concepts ————————–
K8s-Chapter 15: Managing Cluster Nodes
Adding a Node to the Cluster
Rebooting Cluster Nodes
Removing Cluster Nodes
Analyzing and Monitoring Node Status
Using kubectl drain and cordon
Configuring Static Pods
Managing the etcd Database

K8s-Chapter 16: Deploying Applications the DevOps Way
Using the Helm Package Manager
Working with Helm Charts
Using Kustomize
Implementing Blue/Green Deployments
Implement Canary Deployments
Understanding Custom Resource Definitions
Using Operators
Using StatefulSets


Do It YouySelf:
Working with NameSpaces
Finding Pods
Using ConfigMaps
Using Sidecars
Inspecting Containers
Using Probes
Creating a Deployment
Exposing Applications
Using Network Policies
Using Storage
Using Helm
Using Quota
Using ServiceAccount

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Docker-K8s Batch-01

Student Ratings & Reviews

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2 years ago
Thank you for this awsome course anna it helped me to learn deeper concepts in kubernetes